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Champion /ˈtʃæmpɪən/: Champions are the people that take a project forward. They have the passion and energy to lead the strategy to bring a vacant building back into use. But they are not alone, Grand Bequest will support them throughout the process so they can successfully achieve their goal of seeing that building come back to life.
Get your free initial 1-on-1
Let’s have a chat! The best way to know what are your expectations and how we can best give you tailored support.
Cymerwch ran mewn cwpl o gliciau yn unig
Gyda Grand Bequest, gallwch chi gyfrannu i achub adeiladau gwag yn eich ardal leol neu dros y byd.
Rhowch gefnogaeth, syniadau neu ymaelodwch fel hyrwyddwr a byddwch yn ddarn o'r chwyldro ailddefnyddio.
Let’s get you an action plan
Saving a building is not an easy task. The process today is long and many uncertainties come up along the way but Grand Bequest’s technology is about making that process easier. And this starts by creating a next-step plan completely adapted to your needs. We design the process and you lead it, we are here for you!
Become a Champion
What's in it for you?
Teimlo mewn rheolaeth am y tro gyntaf fel penderfynwr grymus
Gwella eich cymuned a gadewch etifeddiaeth i genedlaethau'r dyfodol
Gwelwch yr adeilad yn atgyfodi a adeiladwch momentwm gyda ein tîm
Beth mae ein Hyrwyddwyr yn ei ddweud
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